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Berndt & Marx OHG

Reference Report Berndt & Marx OHG

Challenge & goals

Introduction of an ERP system for the administration and maintenance of customer data, recording of sales and rental documents as well as for warehouse management and production. Banking processing and transfer of financial accounting to the tax advisor are of particular importance.

The solution - SAP Business One

SAP Business One as a complete ERP solution maps the core processes of the company. The reports and analyses provide a quick overview of the KPIs and give you reliable information for decision-making and planning. The integrated alarm functions support users in their daily tasks. The SIGMA Rental Add-on provides support in capturing and managing receipts, thanks to the invoicing assistant and integrated bank processing, the associated invoices and payments are processed directly within the system. With the help of the SIGMA IBAN-BIC AddOn, the plausibility of the data for the SEPA direct debit mandate can be checked during entry.

This is what the costumer says...
"Thanks to SAP Business One, we have significantly reduced our administrative workload and created transparency in our key figures and processes."
About the client

Streichinstrumente Berndt & Marx OHG is a professional and certified saxonian company for stringed instrument manufacturing, which is specialised in the nationwide rental of stringed instruments. The company's aim is to offer all children and adults who are interested in stringed instruments the opportunity to play an instrument of high quality in terms of looks and sound from the very first day. The headquarter and location of the professional workshop is Chemnitz. There is also another branch in Schauenburg-Hoof near Kassel.

Link to the client

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