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nutrimmun GmbH

Logistics optimization at nutrimmun: SAP Business One and SIGMA add-ons for efficiency and growth

Automated logistics chain at nutrimmun

With SAP Business One and the powerful performance boosters SIGMA Mobile Warehouse Management and SIGMA Digital Packing Table, comprehensive automation of the logistics chain was realized at nutrimmun. 

The company specializes in gut and health and offers, among other things, combined multispecies probiotics, prebiotics and micronutrients in its own online store. In the course of a restructuring of the logistics service, accompanied by a change of location with new managers, the need for a lean and effective logistics process arose. The previous processes were characterized by manual, time-consuming tasks and lacked a data basis for comprehensive evaluations.

Optimized processes thanks to SIGMA mobile warehouse management and webshop connection

With the introduction of SIGMA Mobile Warehouse Management, the booking of incoming goods at nutrimmun is now effortless and automated via barcode scanning with a handheld device. The data is synchronized with SAP Business One in real time, so that manual entries are largely eliminated. The solution also enables a structured stock overview.

The successful integration of the web store (Magento store system) has noticeably reduced the administrative effort involved in creating customer orders. The seamless connection enables the semi-automatic creation of customer orders directly from online orders, whereby a manual check is carried out.

Further advantages of the webshop connection that could be realized include the automatic creation of business partners based on the webshop customer data, a duplicate check to avoid duplicate customer creation and the automatic insertion of configurable package inserts, such as brochures, in the order.   Orders for major customers are created fully automatically via interfaces using SAP B1if. A picking list is automatically generated from a customer order, with automatic bin and batch selection and serial number assignment based on the best-before date.

Focus on efficiency: SIGMA digital packing table automates the shipping process 

To optimize the packing process, nutrimmun relies on the SIGMA digital packing table. In addition to retrieving picking information, this also enables a detailed display of the packing status.

The automation of the document chain continues seamlessly: Once a parcel is ready for dispatch, the delivery bill and outgoing invoice are created and printed fully automatically. In addition to the automatic generation of shipping labels, the customer is also notified. When it comes to shipping, nutrimmun GmbH retains its flexibility and can choose between merchandise mail and parcel shipping as required.

SAP Business One: The key to process automation and future growth

As a result of the restructuring of logistics at a new location, comprehensive process automation was introduced with SAP Business One and the SIGMA add-ons Mobile Warehouse Management and Digital Packing Table. This resulted in an increase in productivity and efficiency as well as a minimization of error rates. 

With SAP Business One and the SIGMA add-ons, nutrimmun is not only ideally equipped to meet current requirements, but is also prepared for further growth. The potential of the „Inventory“ module of mobile warehouse management, which could contribute to a considerable simplification of inventory processes, is particularly promising. 

This is what the customer says
„Thanks to the successful integration of the SIGMA SAP Business One add-ons Mobile Warehouse Management and Digital Packing Table, we at nutrimmun have achieved comprehensive automation of our logistics chain. The seamless connection to our web store enables efficient data entry and a reduction in manual tasks and errors. Among other things, this has enabled us to noticeably reduce the administrative effort involved in creating customer orders.“
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About the client

The intestine as the key to health is at the heart of nutrimmun GmbH, based in Münster, Westphalia. The successful company continuously integrates decades of experience and current research into the development of MyBIOTIK® products. Sabine Harders, founder and biologist, launched the first multispecies probiotic on the German market back in 1995. Over time, the range has been expanded to include other probiotic bacterial combinations as well as prebiotics and micronutrient supplements.

Link: www.nutrimmun.de

nutrimmun GmbH
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